A little bit about us
The Ellen Noël Art Museum of the Permian Basin connects people with art by engaging our community through exhibitions, education, collections and outreach.
We are currently undergoing a major renovation to our original building. By creating more space for exhibitions, classes, workshops, and community events, we will be able to provide even more opportunities for artistic engagement and cultural enrichment. This project is not just about expanding our physical space; it's about broadening our impact and reaching more individuals with the transformative power of art.
During this time of growth and expansion, we are temporarily located next door at the Presidential Archives building in partnership with the University of Texas Permian Basin. In this temporary space, you can enjoy our gallery as well as selected highlights of the Presidential Archives.
Our History
The Ellen Noël Art Museum was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1977. After several years of careful planning, we officially opened our doors in 1985 as the Art Institute for the Permian Basin. We are proud to be the product of grass roots fund raising by the citizens of the Permian Basin.
In 1996—ten years after opening—we were renamed after the great Ellen W. Noël, to honor her for her leadership and philanthropy.
Along the path of the Ellen Noël Art Museum’s rich history, it has since collected several accolades of distinction.
In 2005, ENAM was accredited by the American Association of Museums and has enjoyed the benefits of this partnership ever since.
Later in 2010 ENAM procured placement in the Smithsonian Affiliates Program—one of very few art museums in the State of Texas granted this high status. This designation gives the Museum greater access to distinguished educational resources, libraries, research centers, and millions of artifacts in its renowned collection of 47 museums.
Thank You To Our Board of Directors
President Karmen Bryant, Vice President of Development Megan Gossett, Secretary Trudy Lewis, Past-President Stephanie Latimer, Vice President of Finance Bryan Murry, Vice President of Fundraising Dillon Noel, Treasurer Mark Germer, Member at Large Lissa Noël Wagner, Member at Large Tony Hurt
Paula Barnett, Cy Bergner, Sandra Blaydes, Nancy Boles, Paula Coulter, Carmen Ferrer, Mackenzie Graham, Betty Harold, Marita Hendrick, Susie Hitchcock-Hall, Vickie Hurt, Shelby Landgraf, Trudy Lewis, Joe Moya, Chad Sandell, Jacqueline Saucedo, Nic Shores, Craig L Van Amburgh, Chip Wagner, Sherwood Noël Wagner, Chelsea Waters