Past Exhibitions
2016 Exhibitions
Huicholes: People Walking in the Search of Sunrise
Alex Rubio: Collections
Dust and Depression: Farm Security Administration Photography from the 1930’s
Shibusa: India Flint
Recent Acquisitions | Regional Show | Dust and Depression: Farm Security Administration Photography from the 1930’s (on loan from The Amarillo Museum of Art) | Piercing the Past: Quilts from the 1930s (on loan from Steven Porterfield) | Shibusa: India Flint | West Texas Triangle: Roger Colombik | Alex Rubio: Collections | Time Traveler: Works by Norman Kary | Huicholes: People Walking in the Search of Sunrise (on loan from the Consulate General of Mexico, Presidio, TX) | Mars: Adrift on the Hourglass Sea (Nicholas Kahn and Richard Selesnick) | Spirit Lines: Helen Hardin Etchings (on loan from Helen Hardin #1’s LLC-a Nevada Corporation)